Sunday, November 28, 2010
Judge Dredd Superhero Squad!

Thursday, November 18, 2010
It's been a bit since I updated. The main reason being that I've taken part in 'National Write a Novel Month' . It's going okay but it's very, very time consuming. So, after Thanksgiving I'll start updating on a more regular basis and I'll have a status update on projects that I'll be working on for the New Year.
Thursday, November 04, 2010
2000ad Mash-Up - Part Three!

I still think the Zombo/Ace garp combo one is the best. Gotta do that one up proper!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Influence Map - Update

Erik Larsen
I'm a big fan of Larsens mainly because of his attitude towards creating comics. I remember reading somewhere that he doesn't have a sketchbook, that he just draws straight onto the page and if the panel looks strange...he doesn't redraw and redraw it. He just moves on and says to himself that he'll get it right next time. I love that attitude. I may not totally agree with him on politics but his comics approach, I can get behind. His approach to the medium is a big influence on me and 'Savage Dragon' is one of the best books out on the market at the moment.
Cam Kennedy
Panel layouts. Subtle posing. Great Storytelling. And nobody draws future war as great as Cam Kennedy. I always look at his work and marvel at it.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
2000ad Mash-Up!
The Idea
"Mixed up 2000ad, the greatest crossovers that never happened. Nemesis and Dan Dare together for the first time, Nikolai Dante and the Space Girls? Dredd taking out Big Dave? no? Well if you think you can do better you think of one!"
My idea....Zombo meets Ace Trucking Co. I'll draw this up proper later. I still have two or three other ideas to do. back to sketching. You'll see them up here soon.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
The Bride of Frankenstein - Final
Monday, October 04, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Influence Map - Update

As I said in the last post Carlos has always been a constant. His work looks so simple...but like so many Great Masters, it is deceptively so.
For more, read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlos_Ezquerra
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The Carlos Ezquerra Project

It's for a 'Get Well' book for Carlos Ezquerra.
Mark J. Howard (legendary Shark on the 2000adOnline forums) found out that one of the greatest artists ever to draw for 2000ad (and one of the greats overall), the guy responsible for co-creating many characters including Judge Dredd, Strontium Dog and Major Easy, Carlos Ezquerra had lung cancer. Carlos had an operation to remove the cancer and was recovering in hospital. Mark took it upon himslef to round up as many contributors as he could and put together a nice 'Get Well Soon' book for Carlos. It became a 'secret project' because he didn't want Carlos to know, but rather to surprise him.
Carlos received the book and was blown away by how much he is loved and appreciated by the fans.
Why not? I say.
Carlos has been a constant influence in my life since I was a nipper reading 2000ad and that is an over 30 year relationship!
Get well soon Carlos. You'll always feel like part of my family.
To read more about this amazing project go here...
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Influence Map - Update

I didn't really have much of a appreciation for Ron Smith when I was a youngster reading 2000ad. Mike McMahon and Brian Bolland were the 'flashier' artists to me back in those days. I really gained a better understanding and appreciation for Ron Smith when I got older...pretty much the same thing I saw with Jack Kirby's art.
Ron Smith, for me, is and was the definitive Dredd artist of the 80's. He added a certain 'American' look to Dredd. Almost superhero-ish without being a superhero. And his near impossible poses worked perfectly for him. Something he has in common with Kirby. To me Ron Smith is the english jack Kirby.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Influence Map - Update
Monday, September 20, 2010
Influence Map - Update

My first exposure to Wood's work was a teenager. There was a Marvel UK weekly B+W reprint, (As far as I can remember, I can't remeber the title of the comic book!) that reprinted some of the sword and sorcery comic strips that Wood drew. It instantly stood out to me and I've been inspired/influenced by him ever since.
There are a lot of stories about Wally Wood. I remember hearing one story in particular. It was when Wood had received a fan letter saying that his work was past it and not up to scratch and that his assistants handled all the work, not him - in other words, he was washed up. Wood saw this as a challenge and produced, what is too me, his greatest work 'To Kill A God' .
This story was told to me when I worked at Fox Animation Studios by Jun Lofamia. Jun brought in the strip in question to show me...and I blew it up on the copier on paper 24x36 and i'm not kidding you. The attention to detail is amazing and some of it gets quite lost 'regular' size.
There are a lot of stories about Wally Wood. I remember hearing one story in particular. It was when Wood had received a fan letter saying that his work was past it and not up to scratch and that his assistants handled all the work, not him - in other words, he was washed up. Wood saw this as a challenge and produced, what is too me, his greatest work 'To Kill A God' .
This story was told to me when I worked at Fox Animation Studios by Jun Lofamia. Jun brought in the strip in question to show me...and I blew it up on the copier on paper 24x36 and i'm not kidding you. The attention to detail is amazing and some of it gets quite lost 'regular' size.
And the thing is...he probably drew it drunk! Wood was an alcoholic!
Below is the first page of the strip. if you can...search it out. Well worth the time looking.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
The Bride of Frankenstein - WIP #2
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Influence Map - Update

For me, he is the definitive superhero artist. His work is so fluid and alive. He can draw anything. He is the only artist that can draw 'serious' and 'cartoony' in the same story and get away with it. I love his 2000ad work, his Marvelman (that's right, Marvelman...none of that Miracleman bullshit!) Captain Britain, Detective Comics...Excalibur, X-Men, Avengers etc I can go on. Oh and the talented so and so can write too!
He's always an inspiration to me.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Influence Map 4

My first exposure to Art Adams was an Action Annual featuring Batman and Superman. And it blew me away. His art, to me, is very illustrative and the amount of detail he slips into his background panels is amazing. Whenever I look at any of his work...I usually find myself just in awe at the amount of detail he puts in. I can spend literally hours looking at his work. Oh, and he too, can draw the ladies. really, really well!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Influence Map 3

Probably the best Cheesecake artist there is at the moment. He's the 'Good Girl' artist that all others aspire to be. I first came across Adams work on Maze Agency and then his Justice League run and even back then you could see that there was something special about his work.
He just went from strenght to strenght and I avidly started to buy anything Hughes. I would find myself buying pure crap just coz a Hughes drawing graced the cover of it.
For me, he's right up there with Mucha and Vargas.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Influence Map - 1,2

First up..the Master...
Will Eisner
Growing up in Ireland reading comics, I had no clue to who this guy was until a work friend (Who became one of my best friends, Jim Seville) introduced me to some of his work...namely The Spirit. I was hooked ever since. What Eisner did with the comics medium was amazing.
I was also fortunate to have Mr.Eisner as a teacher waaaaaay back in the day. I learnt more about storytelling from those few weeks with Mr.Eisner than I have ever since!!!
Below...proof of my boast! (Look how skinny and fashion challenged I was..er...cough...still am!)

Frank Cho
Coz, I like the ladies. Well, the way Cho draws 'em. I'm a big cheesecake fan! (Oh, really, you say sarcastically!) And Mr.Cho is one of THE best. No skinny malinks for Cho...his babes have got meat and bones to 'em. Whenever I'm in a rut...I lookee at his doodles. They be teh arsom!
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
The Bride of Frankenstein - WIP
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Thugs! Issue Four - Cover Image
Sunday, September 05, 2010
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Secret project - Done!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Secret Project!

Now I'm concentrating on a 'Secret Pin-Up' page and again...I can't show it until it's been published.
It's a fun little project and I've only got the rest of tonight and tomorrow to finish it! The deadline is Wednesday. The pencils are complete.
So, the minute I get home from work I'll have to ink like crazy!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Strontium Dog Update!
I can't show any of the complete pages till the strip sees print...bt two are completely finished! Resized and lettered!
Hopefully I can get the rest finished tonight and mail 'em off.
Hopefully I can get the rest finished tonight and mail 'em off.
Monday, August 23, 2010

Now to scan and letter them. I'm still on target for the deadline.
Another partial panel on display. Oh, just realised...Rich didn't call the triple boob babe 'Tess'. Crap! I'll have to change that.
Carlos Ezquerra,
Richard McAuliffe,
Strontium Dog
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Der Gronk!

Only got two panels left on Page 6!!! Then the scanning and lettering begins. I'm ultra confident I'll get this finished waaaaay before the deadline!
Carlos Ezquerra,
Richard McAuliffe,
Strontium Dog
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Strontium Dog - Page5 - Panel 5 - Inks!

One of my favorite panels!
Page 5 fully inked...all that's left is page 6. The pencils on that page need a lot of work!!!
Hopefully, I'll have something to post up tomorrow.
Carlos Ezquerra,
Richard McAuliffe,
Strontium Dog
Friday, August 20, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Strontium Dog - Page 2 - Panels 5,6 - Inks

But can't really show too much of page 3 or it will spoil the surprise. I'll post one panel from it tomorrow...a spoiler free one.
Still tightening up the last three pages.
The pressure is on!!!!
Carlos Ezquerra,
Richard McAuliffe,
Strontium Dog
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Strontium Dog - Page 2 - Panel 1 - Inks

I swapped out the controversial 'Glitter' character for Old Green Bonce himself - Tharg, The Mighty...complete with styrofoam cup!
I need to step up my game a bit more to finish the strip before the deadline...so...no beer more or 'Red Dead Redemption' for me till I'm done!
Carlos Ezquerra,
Richard McAuliffe,
Strontium Dog
Monday, August 09, 2010
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Strontium Dog - Page1 - Panel 1 - Inks!

I initially wanted to keep it simple as possible...try and keep it 'my style'! (Whatever that is?)
and then decided...Screw it! I'll do my best Carlos Ezquerra impression!
Not too shabby. Now if I can only keep up the quality throughout.
Sunday, August 01, 2010
Strontium Dog - Page 2 - Panel 2 - Pencils

Can you spot...
1. Power Girl
2. Ernie Hudson
3. Gary Glitter (Complete with asian accessory)
4. The Mekon
5. E.T.
6. Mel Gibson
7. Rich McAuliffe (AKA BlueMeanie)
8. And for 2000ad forumites...The Legendary Shark!
Richard McAuliffe,
Strontium Dog
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Strontium Dog - Page 2 - Panels 5,6 - Pencils
Monday, June 28, 2010
Strontium Dog - Page1 - Panel 1 - Pencils
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Phoenix ComicCon - Post 1
I had a good bit of fun at the Phoenix ComicCon on Memorial Weekend and this really nice guy took a chance on me and had me sketch a Boba fett for him. His sketchbook was 'A 100 Boba Fetts' and I felt honored that he chose me to contribute.
Now we come to Bob Bretall. Bob always keeps in touch with me and Al and because we had a table...he popped by. He got another Zatanna out of me!
As you can see from below...not too bad. it was my first ever Boba Fett drawing

Bob Bretall,
Boba Fett,
Phoenix ComicCon,
Monday, June 07, 2010
Strontium Dog - Page1 - Panel 5 - Pencils
Sunday, May 23, 2010
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