Finished. And sent off a good few ours before the deadline. I hope it's resized correctly. In the UK, they use different paper sizes. This one pager was reduced down to A5...which is smaller, and thinner than a usual US comic book page.
Now to scan and letter them. I'm still on target for the deadline. Another partial panel on display. Oh, just realised...Rich didn't call the triple boob babe 'Tess'. Crap! I'll have to change that.
So, I tightened the pencils on the first three pages of the strip and loosely pencilled the remaining three. And I sat down to ink the first page.
I initially wanted to keep it simple as possible...try and keep it 'my style'! (Whatever that is?) and then decided...Screw it! I'll do my best Carlos Ezquerra impression!
Not too shabby. Now if I can only keep up the quality throughout.
Can you spot... 1. Power Girl 2. Ernie Hudson 3. Gary Glitter (Complete with asian accessory) 4. The Mekon 5. E.T. 6. Mel Gibson 7. Rich McAuliffe (AKA BlueMeanie) 8. And for 2000ad forumites...The Legendary Shark!